Monday, November 26, 2007

Mother of Child - Lost

Masked, deep and clouded within the echoes of my soul
Rests the longing for the one who bore a child long ago
A craving for the touch, the smile, devotion never known
For I am but that wounded child who now is fully grown

Miles apart, in some small town, exists the one who ran away
Leaving everything behind, alone, with no attempt, to stay
Living a life of secrets, passing time, with only lies
Her story never spoken, hushed, until the day she dies

Aging empty eyes, thoughts so pure, a struggling memory
Her auburn hair, her olive eyes, how soft her voice could be
Questions without answers, so much I do not know
How could she have abandoned, the child, she had loved so

Endless, restless, sleepless nights, every night the same
Her eyes affix upon a star, that may shine upon her babe
Wretched, cold and weary, by all she is perceived
Yet her womb is torn and aching, for the child once conceived

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